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COFFEE BREAK WITH… Hannah Cree, Sales Team Assistant – Retail

Coffee Break with… is a Christie & Co series showcasing the brilliance, expertise, and diversity of our network of over 200 employees.

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Hannah Cree

When did you join Christie & Co?
August 2022.

Where were you when you accepted your role at Christie & Co? 
Whilst working at my previous job I nipped outside the office.

What was your first job? 

In a couple of sentences, can you tell us a bit about your job at Christie & Co? 
I am a sales assistant for the Retail team, doing any background work for businesses for sale, clients, chasing documents, assisting on business generation and lots more.

What’s your favourite thing about Christie & Co? 
The flexibility and experienced colleagues with lots of knowledge.

How has the industry changed since you started at Christie & Co? 
Due to the interest rates now being so high, we are seeing more serious/experienced buyers instead of first-time buyers.

Who in your industry do you feel most inspired by? 
Dave Morris.

Tell us a bit about your life outside work – what are your hobbies? 
Gym most mornings, and I love going on nature walks with my dog, socialising with friends, and anything outdoors like open swimming or roller skating.

What’s your hometown? Where do you live now? 
My hometown is Newark yet moved to Brighton for 2 years at 18 and now I live in Nottingham.

Where’s the best place you’ve been on holiday? 
Gran Canaria, in a small town called Mogan.

What’s your biggest pet peeve? 
People who sleep loud – snoring, making noises, chewing.

If you could live and work in any city, where would you go

What would be your desert island meal? 
Seafood boil.

What’s your favourite film? 
Between Babyboy or Love & Basketball.

What is one thing on your bucket list? 
To help and volunteer in less fortunate countries.

What is your biggest fear? 

What’s your social media platform of choice? 

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