VALUATION | Lancaster Medical Group
Lancaster Medical Practice are an established GP practice in the North West. They operate from eight properties, seven of which are owned.
Business. Built around You.
Your expert business property advisers

The Client
The Practice is partnership led, with 31 GP partners, a managing partner and lead nurse partner.
The Brief
We were originally engaged by the Client in 2017 to provide the initial valuations for the properties (as the partnership formed) and have continued to be engaged with them each year providing valuations from an independent Registered Valuer as per the internal partnership agreement.
The Results
The result has been a continued relationship whereby the first three yearly cycle was concluded following the 2020 valuations. In 2021 Christie & Co were delighted to receive further instructions for a second cycle.
Each year our valuations are used by the Partnership to calculate partner buy in and buy out values, as well as support strategic conversations.
Here’s What Our Clients Have to Say
We have built a strong relationship with Christie& Co over the last five years and have always been supported by the same team member. The valuation process is clearly explained and delivered, the information requested prior to the valuation visits is requested well in advance and is kept to a minimum. Valuation reports are always received promptly after the valuations have taken place and are concise and easy to understand.
Contact Us
Joe Swiers
T: 07791 979 345