Press Releases

Newly refurbished convenience store in Ammanford up for grabs

Specialist business property adviser, Christie & Co is pleased to bring to the market, Family Shopper, a convenience store in Ammanford, Wales.

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Located on Wind Street, the store surrounded by an array of other local businesses and shops, and is relied upon by the local residents for its wide range of everyday essentials.

Family Shopper is currently owned by Kam Sandhu who has given it a new lease of life through a recent refurbishment. Kam, who owns two other successful stores, now hopes to pass it on to a new owner as he plans to relocate.

This is a fantastic opportunity for a new owner to acquire a newly refurbished business and build on the current trade.

Joe Brayne, Senior Business Agent at Christie & Co, who is handling the sale, comments, “This is a fantastic opportunity for either a first-time operator or an experienced retailer to acquire a fully refurbished convenience store and a 2-bedroom apartment. The store is increasing turnover monthly and with a consistent local trade will only get stronger and stronger.”

For further information on this press release, contact:     

Bronte Hughes, Corporate Communications Manager
P: +44 (0) 7721 420 656 or E:

Contact the agent:
Joe Brayne, Senior Business Agent - Retail
M: +44 7548 705 664 or E:

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